HomeAPI Reference15. User exceptions

15. User exceptions

Below you can find the user exceptions on different topics. You can get these user exceptions in the response of an API call. User exceptions are validations we do on our side, and can be fixed by changing the requests.

15.A Authentication

Error codeReason
3000Access denied
3001Permission denied

15.B Request headers

Error codeReason
3100Invalid content type
3101Invalid character set
3102Invalid accept header
3103Invalid authorization header
3104Invalid authentication method
3105Invalid route
3106Invalid origin url
3107Invalid referer url

15.C Query parameters

Error codeReason
3200Invalid query parameter: page
3201Invalid query parameter: size
3202Invalid query parameter: sort_column
3203Invalid query parameter: order
3204Invalid query parameter: column
3205Invalid query parameter: shipment_status
3206Invalid query parameter: from
3207Invalid query parameter: to
3208Invalid query parameter: q
3209Invalid query parameter: streetnumber
3210Invalid query parameter: id
3211Invalid query parameter: country_code
3212Missing required parameter
3213Invalid query parameter: dropoff_delay
3214Invalid query parameter: cutoff_time
3217Invalid query parameter: contents
3218Invalid query parameter: latitude
3219Invalid query parameter: longitude
3220Invalid query parameter: provider
3221Invalid query parameter: delivery_type
3222Invalid query parameter: carrier
3223Invalid query parameter: package_type

15.D Addresses

Error codeReason
3501Invalid address
3503Invalid house number
3505Invalid postal code
3506Invalid country code
3509Recipient street max length exceeded
3510Recipient name max length exceeded
3511Invalid address number suffix
3512Invalid phone number
3513Company name max length exceeded
3514Invalid person or company name
3515Email address max length exceeded
3516Country not supported by carrier
3517Country not supported for product
3518Invalid CoC number
3519Sender street max length exceeded
3520Sender street additional info max length exceeded

15.E Shipments

Error codeReason
3702Invalid customs declaration
3703Invalid invoice number in customs declaration
3704Invalid physical properties for shipment (length, width, height, weight)
3705Invalid shipment options or invalid combination of options
3706Invalid shipment status
3707Invalid shipment type
3708Invalid shipment label position
3709Invalid shipment label paper format
3710Return shipment url is expired
3711Cannot update shipment recipient country code
3712Cannot update shipment package type
3713Cannot update shipment status
3714Cannot create return shipment
3715Return shipments for EU shipments only
3716Shipment limit exceeded
3717Cannot update shipment
3718Invalid carrier for return shipment
3719Duplicate return shipment
3720Invalid parent shipment for related return shipment
3721Invalid delivery options for shipment
3722Invalid pickup location for shipment
3723Cannot delete shipment
3726Cannot determine insurance for shipment
3727Contribution too low for return shipment
3728Unsupported carrier
3730Invalid shipment weight
3731Cannot split address
3733Package type is not supported
3735Multi collo shipment not supported
3736Invalid data for multi collo shipment
3739Maximum colli amount exceeded for multi collo shipment
3740Maximum length property exceeded
3743Invalid insurance value
3744Shipment cannot be delivered due to Covid 19
3745Invalid sender
3746Cannot download expired shipment label
3748Invalid EORI number in customs declaration
3749Invalid VAT number in customs declaration
3751Missing email address and phone number in recipient
3752Invalid email domain of recipient
3753Unsupported postal code area
3754Cannot create shipment
3758Cannot generate shipment label
3760Invalid pickup location
3761Shipment cannot be delivered because country is temporary closed
3762For non-activated accounts, first two shipments can only be sent within the Netherlands and Belgium
3765One of the items in the customs declaration has an invalid amount
3766Recipient vat number is invalid
3767Uk vat number in the customs declaration is invalid
3768Recipient eori number is invalid

15.F Delivery and locations

Error codeReason
4000No nearest locations found
4001No delivery timeframe found

15.G Generic

Error codeReason
5000Invalid date

15.H Webhooks

Error codeReason
10001Invalid webhook subscription
10002Invalid webhook url
10003Invalid webhook hook
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Contributors Barry020